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re-connecting humans to nature

Honestly, our story started with a plant.  Brittany had posted one of her abundant monstera plants for sale on a buy and sell page as she had no room for it after their move. Tien reached out and they quickly began trying to work together to help lower costs and support on another as Brittany, made face and body products and Tien made home products.  After running their own lines for a while, they made the call to join forces and create a LIFESTYLE of toxin-free living.  Today you will find them sharing their own personal stories about how and why they became toxin free and why they are so passionate to help others along this journey.  They are extending the olive (olea) branch to anyone who is ready to kick the chemicals and return to a simpler, cleaner and healthier way of life. 

MEET brittany

Brittany is a certified herbalist who has been working in the holistic world for a while now.  Her journey towards completely toxin free began when her and her husband Steve had decided they wanted to conceive.  After a year with no luck Brittany began exploring how to better support her body with food and herbs.  She quickly realized the products that she had in her home were one of the major concerns.  Riddled with toxic chemicals that had no regulation that were KNOWN to be toxic, cancer causing, allergens and endocrine disruptors.  Upon this realization she began working to make her own natural products as she quickly threw everything she owned in the garbage...which did upset her husband (lol).  This journey has been so deeply healing for Brittany and she is extremely passionate about giving people their power back through knowledge and education about how to live toxin free.  She works with herbal clients regularly to support ailments and concerns they have and will create custom tea, salve, oils and other blends for her clients to support their journey to health and wellness NATURALLY.



Tien's journey to a more toxin-free lifestyle began when her son was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in 2018.  After visiting a naturopathic doctor she was made aware the the chemicals in her every day house hold items and body products were contributing to her sons symptoms.  Being there is no cure for autoimmune diseases, Tien started making all the changes she could to better support her son.  She ditched all the chemical products she had in her home and started formulating her own natural, non-toxic cleaning products, which with a family of five this took some time for transition.  But in doing so she used this as an opportunity to educate her children on how to live a more healthy lifestyle and that you do not need to be limited by your differences, that you can change your environment to better suit your needs. Today her sons symptoms have stabilized and she has a completely toxin-free home.  She wants people to know that you can live a life full of health and vitality if you commit to changing your environment to better support your own needs and she is dedicated to sharing this knowledge with others.

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